The Captains Hat$1.00



The Captains Hat

It started out as a piece of felt carefully shaped to the Captains scalp
this is gonna be this is gonna be this is gonna be a very fine hat
It sits on his head and leans to one side to leave a clearer view for his one good eye
With bright coloured feathers blowing in the breeze
A very fine hat indeed
It sits on his head and leans to one side to leave a clear view fer his one good eye

A plain hat is not enough it needs lots of colour and fancy stuff
A bright band and a diamond too something to impress you
Under the cover of a bright blue sky or in the ships gully eating cooks fruit pie
The Captain wears his hat always wears his hat night and day
Storming aboard an abandoned ship or sneaking himself a little kip
Digging around on a sandy strip the Captain always wears his hat
It sits on his head and leans to one side to leave a clear view fer his one good eye

Something to flourish when theres ladies about

To keep his head warm when theres gales about
And a shady space when the hot sun is out
It sits on his head and leans to one side to leave a clear view fer his one good eye

Then one day when sailing along singing hisself a seafarring song
Along came the wind and blew the hat from his head.
Before the Captain could open his mouth his hat went flying off to the south
It sailed up high and it twirled a bit as it flew away from the ship
It swooped down low the Captain went pale as his hat was swallowed by a whale never to be seen again

Copyright © Galactic Entertainment(Australia) 2018-2019

The Captains Hat is a very fine hat..

Captains Hat