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Here’s Me Buccaneers

Each track A$0.75
Track 1 Queensland Whalers
Track 2 The Whale
Track 3 Shores of Botany Bay
Track 4 Maggy May
Track 5 Drunken Sailor medley
Track 6 Goldrush
Track 7 Lachlan Tigers
Story 1: The Trepary Treasure Adventure
(Running time 21:36)
Cut-Throat Kate, she’s the one who does most of the talkin’ aboard ship so she were a natural choice as narrator.
Talk the ears off a corn plantation she could. Lucky she can cook.
Charlie the first mate cockatoo, spends most of his day on ‘is little perch atop the main mast keepin’ an eye out for any danger. This one ‘as the loudest voice of any of the crew and the best eye as well.
Robbie The Rogue, who is the boatswain on board the Buccaneer and he is the lucky blighter who gets to do all the dirty jobs around the ship because ‘ee is so clever. Ho ho ho!
Our jolly crew of pirates is sailin’ around the ocean as pirates does when they comes upon a ship sailin’ without a crew. Piratin’ salvage law says yer can help yerself to what nobody else wants and as the crew of the buccaneer was pillag…er.. checking the cargo of a derelict ship they came upon a map which indicated there were treasure to be had at the end of the map.
They follow the map to an island laden with strong smellin’ booty.
Seein’ as there were no one around they reckoned the booty were theirs to do with as they liked.
So they buries their own real treasure on this here island and loads their ship up with this very rare but dreadful smellin’ cargo of trepary and ships it orf to the nearest port to trade it for gold and silver and other fancy stuff.
A couple of other things happens along the way too but it would take a lot of the adventure out of it all if yer knew what was to happen next.
This delightful episode runs for around 21.36
Story 2: The Search Fer “The Seaweed”
(Running time 30:00)
After meeting up with an old shipmate, King Kelp (an eccentric pirate with good memory for treasure but not people. Our seafaring friends set sail in search of his missing ship and they soon face all kinds of danger.
This little story takes up where story 1:The Trepary Treasure Adventure leaves off, in the Milk Bar at Port Starfish.The crew of The Buccaneer is tired of sitting around on land and are keen to take on a new adventure at sea.
Pirate Pete declares it’s time to go back to the Trepary Treasure Island and retrieve all the booty they buried there. On the way back to the ship they is waylaid by a slimey character called King Kelp, the self proclaimed and undisputed ruler of the Kingdom of Algae.
It seems King Kelp recognised some of the jewellery about the boatswain’s neck and claimed it were ‘is own.
Further discussion ensued and it were eventually agreed the King could have ‘is necklace back and Pirate Pete and the Buccaneers would help King Kelp find ‘is lost ship called funnily enough, “The Seaweed”.
All manner of adventure followed and some of it Pirate Pete actually recorded as it happened.
Snippets of that LIVE action are interspersed with Cut Throat Kate’s tellin’ of the true events as they were ahappenin’.
Can’t tell you any more at this stage lest it be spoilin’ yer listenin’.
This exciting episode runs for around 30 minutes.
Story 3: The Treasure Comes Home
(Running time 30:00)
In this story the Buccaneers are puzzled when an entire island disappears and then reappears, a treasure map disappears and then reappears and just when they think the treasure hunt is over……..
Do our heroes triumph in this the concluding episode of our three part story?
Searching strange seas and exploring stranger islands with creatures you wouldn’t find in any city.
Treasure that appears and disappears where will it all lead us?.