When I Was One$1.00


When I was one I sucked me thumb the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was two I buckled me shoe the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me -Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was three I climbed a tree the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was Four I knocked at the door the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was five I learned to drive the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was six I got seasick the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was seven I sailed to Devon the day I went to Sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was eight the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was nine the day I went to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho Yo Ho Ho

When I was ten I had the yen to get me back to sea
I climbed aboard a Pirate ship and the Captain said to me
We’re going this way that way forward and backwards over the briney sea
A bottle of rum to fill me tum and that’s the life fer me – Yo Ho Ho, Yo Ho Ho, Yo Ho Ho